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A Dynatech International Company


A code indicating that a cited reference number is or is not item-identifying, or is for information only.

1A design control reference or other reference number that does not identify an item of production without the use of additional information, or is either a specification, part, type or similar reference number that does not identify an item of supply without the use of additional information.
2A design control reference or other reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of production, or is either a source control reference, a specification or a standard part, type, or similar reference number that is an item-identifying number for an item of supply.
3A vendor's reference (part) number on a source control item, as defined in ASMEY-14.24M and ASMEY-14.100M, which is reparable through the removal, exchange, and reinstallation of component parts. The related source control document number will also reflect Code 3. This code is limited to a type 1B or 4B item identification.
8A non-item-identifying reference number that is added to a replacement NSN as a result of a cancel-use action on a NSN recorded with ISC 3 or E. It is used to identify the original item of supply/replaced item. This reference number is automatically moved and this code is automatically assigned, do not submit for cataloging purposes.
9A reference number which was the Design Control Reference for the item of supply concept (Original Design Activity) that is now inactive coded Reference Number Category Code (RNCC) 3; a specification, standard, or other reference number which is superseded, cancelled, obsolete or discontinued and is coded RNCC 5; a reference number for information only coded RNCC 6; a drawing which is the Single Controlling Reference Number (SCRN) coded RNCC 2 or 7; or a drawing number reference coded RNCC D.
