National Stock Number
National Stock Number (NSN) 5935-00-256-1186, or NIIN 002561186, (socket,plug-in electronic components) has an unknown assigned date. NIIN 002561186 was cancelled on January 25, 2001, with a cancelled status of "Item is Cancelled - Inactive." There is no known replacement specified for this stock number. This NSN replaces 1 stock number, 5935003052589.
There are no manufacturer part numbers associated to this NSN.
This part number has not been procured by the US Government in over 5 years.
This NSN is assigned to Item Name Code (INC) 28914. [AN ITEM DESIGNED TO ELECTRICALLY CONNECT AND MECHANICALLY POSITION THE BASE OF AN ITEM HAVING PLUG-IN-TYPE CONTACTS, AND TO FACILITATE REPLACEMENT OF THE ITEM ACCOMMODATED. IT INCLUDES SOCKETS WHICH ACCOMMODATE THE CONTACTS OF CAPACITORS, COILS, CRYSTALS, ELECTRON TUBES, RELAYS, SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND VIBRATORS. EXCLUDES:SOCKETS OR RECEPTACLES DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE PLUG-IN COMPONENT CIRCUIT BOARDS (PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS) AND ELECTRONIC MODULES OR SUB-ASSEMBLIES. ALSO EXCLUDES:HEAT-DISSIPATING (NOT HEAT-SINKS) SOCKETS FOR MOUNTING "POWER TRANSISTORS".]. This item does not have a critical feature such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application. Nuclear hardness properties have not been determined (not valid for input). There is no information in the HMIRS; however, the NSN is in an FSC in Table II of Federal Standard 313 and an MSDS may be required by the user. The requirement for an MSDS is dependent on a hazard determination of the supplier or the intended end use of the product. NSN 5935002561186 contains an unknown precious metal.
This information was last updated on Jan 01, 2025.