National Stock Number
National Stock Number (NSN) 6810-00-637-6132, or NIIN 006376132, (no item name available) has an unknown assigned date. NIIN 006376132 was cancelled on October 2, 1999, with a cancelled status of "Item is Cancelled WITHOUT Replacement." There is no known replacement specified for this stock number. This NSN does not replace any other NSNs.
There are no manufacturer part numbers associated to this NSN.
This part number has not been procured by the US Government in over 5 years.
This item does not have a critical feature such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application. Nuclear hardness properties have not been determined (not valid for input). Information is in the Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS). NSN 6810006376132 does not contain precious metals.
This information was last updated on Jan 01, 2025.