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>> Search results for: MILC555141

NSN Search Results

National Stock Number (NSN) Description
5910-00-071-0724, 5910000710724 CAPACITOR,FIXED,METALLIZED,PAPER
5910-00-284-8877 , 5910002848877 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910013701785
5910-00-568-3283, 5910005683283 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910009851343
5910-00-632-5229 , 5910006325229 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-00-632-5230, 5910006325230 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910011286657
5910-01-013-0205 , 5910010130205 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-017-0098, 5910010170098 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910011882483
5910-01-017-3216 , 5910010173216 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910001688241
5910-01-018-2261, 5910010182261 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910004843080
5910-01-019-5900 , 5910010195900 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-024-0824, 5910010240824 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-025-0749 , 5910010250749 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-025-2087, 5910010252087 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910005153586
5910-01-025-2088 , 5910010252088 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910008799061
5910-01-027-5274, 5910010275274 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910009882501
5910-01-027-5275 , 5910010275275 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910009974112
5910-01-027-5276, 5910010275276 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTRIC
5910-01-038-1558 , 5910010381558 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-038-3068, 5910010383068 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTR
5910-01-042-1780 , 5910010421780 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5910012017415
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