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Defense and Aerospace
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A Dynatech International Company

>> Search results for: NAS907TYJSZ1

NSN Search Results

National Stock Number (NSN) Description
5133-01-116-6045, 5133011166045 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133014387742
5133-00-838-5245 , 5133008385245 DRILL,TWIST
5133-00-065-0980, 5133000650980 DRILL,TWIST
5133-00-988-5709 , 5133009885709 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133016503681
5133-01-438-9245, 5133014389245 DRILL,TWIST
5133-00-837-7595 , 5133008377595 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133013838988
5133-01-439-4380, 5133014394380 DRILL,TWIST
5133-00-988-5698 , 5133009885698 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133014679631
5133-01-437-3751, 5133014373751 DRILL,TWIST
5133-01-247-4746 , 5133012474746 DRILL SET,TWIST
5133-00-838-5253, 5133008385253 DRILL,TWIST
5133-01-021-9308 , 5133010219308 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133016503680
5133-01-439-4379, 5133014394379 DRILL,TWIST
5133-01-535-8382 , 5133015358382 DRILL,TWIST
5133-00-838-5254, 5133008385254 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133010462902
5133-01-045-5854 , 5133010455854 DRILL,TWIST
5133-01-021-9307, 5133010219307 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133016503684
5133-01-438-9253 , 5133014389253 DRILL,TWIST
5133-01-051-4114, 5133010514114 Cancelled -> Replaced by 5133014679630
5133-01-437-4922 , 5133014374922 DRILL,TWIST
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